Filming development

When filming we decided that we needed an interior and exterior location. We choose a green area around southend which we used to represent a graveyard from the trailer. This area was effective because we used a hilly surface for different angles for the shots. For example, we used the top of the hill to create the high angle pointing up to Beetlejuice shown in the pictures below.

The interior locations we needed was inside a house which became difficult to find, but we improvised by using objects in the college. For instance, we needed Sasha to fall off a bed but instead we used a table as a bed and chairs for her to land on when she falls which worked well as it looked similar to the original, which is shown in the picture below. 

During filming we had lighting problems because of our locations. But because the original trailer was made in 1988 this is what made it of bad quality. Also because the technology wasn’t as good as it is now so you can see the difference in colour, lighting, and ours just looking more HD. But we could of replicated this old style look. Things that went well was using the shot types effectively in our filming as we constantly referred to the trailer for reference. And the editing our voices to make it high or lower pitched by using premiere pro. And overlapping voices to create the same effect they did in the trailer. For example, in the original trailer one of the characters (Barbara) had Beetlejuice’s voice and we did this in our trailer by using a clip of scott’s voice and overlapping it when Sasha was speaking. 

Another thing that went well was making sure we had every shot and they were timed the same time as the trailer (Thanks to sasha’s editing skills). For example, shown in the image below the shot from the original trailer and the same shot from our trailer is shown at the same time and also looks very similar. This image is from our comparison video.

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Something we could of done better and can potentially improve on in the future is to have one person per character so the audience isn’t confused on who it is. Also have more costumes and props to improve this. But because of the short filming time we had and having to film on a low budget this is what affected it. But I think we done well representing Beetlejuice even though people on the street thought Scott was the Joker.

Ways we could of made our characters look more like the originals is having similar clothing to the originals. For example, the character Adam had a checkered shirt on throughout and we could of used the same style top on Ben or had me wear something black for the character Delia. Not only would this have made our trailer more similar to the original but it would of also allowed the audience to recognise who was who easier.

If I was to do anything differently I would include more detail like more props and costumes. Also I would try to get a more similar location for the interior shots of the trailer, to make it look as similar as possible. But I like how we made a more comedic replica of the trailer.

Production types


Film 123 Define the production type (explain what it is) and use your examples to support it

Film is a series of moving images that is created for the purposes of telling a story or re-creating an event. Films can come in many different genres like horror, action, and comedy. They are mostly created for entertainment purposes but can also be education.

Audio Include 3 examples in here (youtube links or images would be beneficial)

Sound effects (transformers)

Music (7 years)

Dialogue (Angelina Jolie & brad pitt interview)

Define the production type (explain what it is) and use your examples to support it

Audio is recorded sound that can be made in different forms, such as dialogue, music, sound effects. It can be stored on CDs, memory sticks, media formats, etc. Also audio can be found online like YouTube and Spotify.

Computer Games 456 Define the production type (explain what it is) and use your examples to support it

Computer games like films are a series of moving images where the player can interact with the environment and the content of the storyline. They are there to entertain you but also to challenge you. Which is usually why people play them.

Print 789 Define the production type (explain what it is) and use your examples to support it

A physical form of a document, that has illustrations and text. It is created on a device and can be printer off at any size from A4 to billboard size.  And uses CMYK when it has colour.

Creator uses print to present and advertise text and images to the public.

And the user uses it to receive and understand info.

Film types

Short Films ELEGY – Post-Apocalyptic Short Film


LAVA – Disney Pixar Short Film


Frozen Fever – Disney Pixar Short Film


A short film is an original motion picture that can last up to 40 minutes. But is not considered to be a feature film. It’s a popular way for artists to connect with their audiences, through short documentaries, animation, narrative, etc. Sometimes the creator makes a short film before they make a feature film so they can see whether their audience would enjoy it.
Feature-length Films Gravity


Wizard of Oz


Forrest Gump


A feature film is a full length film that you see at the cinema. It must have a running time of more than 40 minutes. But the majority of feature films are between 70 and 210 minutes long. This film type is the most popular type because there are so many of them.
Movie Trailers Star wars

The Boy

The Danish girl


Movie trailers are promotional advertisements which are used to get an audience excited about an upcoming film. They include clips from the film they are advertising without giving away the plot line but instead use dramatic scenes that pursuade the audience to go see the film at the cinema.
Product Advertisements Radio advertisement

Print advertisement

No smoking posters - 1985

TV advertisement

Product advertisements is a method of communication to promote a product to its audience. And influence them to buy it. To advertise a product you would have to pay a communication channel in order to use it as a platform to advertise on.
User-generated content youtubers


fan made trailers

fan made music videos/covers

User generated content can be made by anyone and can be shown to the public online. It is any form of content, such as, blogs, podcasts, digital images, video, audio files, and other forms of media. That was created by users on an online system, often on social media websites.

Premiere Pro Development

Here I have experimented with premiere pro. I started of with importing videos and images. Then used tools like the razor tool to cut out parts of my audio where I am not speaking. Then used the selection tool to delete that. I also resized my images and video but clicking on them and dragging. And also added text which I did by right clicking, new item, title, then you write your text, and drag it into your video.

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Indents development ideas

Here I have two ideas drawn out for my final product which is an indent for my project. I wanted to include the college’s current logo so people can recognise what it is for but I am open to the idea of changing it.

Fact- the colours of the south essex college logo represents the colours of all the lanyards. Red = Further, Green = Higher, Blue = Staff, Yellow = visitors.

So the image below is my first idea for my motion graphic. I’ve started with the colleges logo because as I said I wanted people to recognise what this graphic would be for and also what audience would want to look at it because it is aimed at them. I go on to represent a few of the course’s that the college provides to promote what it is they do. And through doing this I have incorporated the logo by using the things that represent certain courses to make the logo. For example, the art and design course is represented through a paint brush and this brush then paints the logo. At the end of my idea I have represented the strong and growing community at the college through the use of people connected together.


This is my second idea I have so far. Again I have used the colleges logo but this time it changes into a table. This tables is to represent the support that the college gives to students. After that a person walks into the shot and sits down at the table and does some work, this person represents a hard working student. Then we move onto the windows of the sun slowly rising and falling to represent a day passing. And then the student celebrating a hard day at work and the good results that come with it. At the end of my idea I use a quote that says ‘We Support Your Education’ to represent how the college helps students. Overall, the message is that with hard work comes a reward and also that the college will be there to guide and support you along the way.


Response to brief phase 3

Task 1:

The first task is about understand of aspects of motion graphics. E.g. different uses, characteristics, and technology considerations. I like this task because it is a short writing tasks that helps develop knowledge of motion graphics and how I could use them within my project.

Task 2:

This task is asking me to write an article on parts of the interactive media industry. The purpose of this task is to develop skills on aspects of the media industry like the uses, the technology, and legal and ethical aspects. I feel that I already have a bit of knowledge on some of this information that I am being asked to provide. Therefore, I do not like this task as I am not developing on skills and knowledge I already have.

Task 3:

Task 3 is the pre-production of making my indents for the college. This task is made up of preparation for the production stage of my project. I like this task because I get to develop my ideas and start to experiment for my final product. And I feel this task’s develops useful skills for similar experiences in the media industry.

Task 4:

This task gives me the opportunity to do some practical work and make a product. Also get to do other interesting aspects like including social media sites to present my work. I feel I would find his task difficult because I don’t have much experience in after affects software. Therefore, it would be a learning process rather than me being able to show what I can already do.

I like how this brief has different variations of tasks. For example, theory work mixed with physical work to make final product. Also I like the different approach to the theory side by making it into the style of an article instead of just a document. This could be difficult because I have to learn to write and present my work in a style that I haven’t done before. And Im looking forward to the practical side of this assessment and learning how to create motion graphics to develop my skills and knowledge on softwares.

Working from illustrator to After effects notes

You pass your files over from illustrator to after effects when making a product because the drawing tools in illustrator is much better than they are in after effects. For example, if clients was to give you artwork in illustrator you will need edit them in illustrator and bring them into after effects.

To easily transport your files from illustrator to after effects you would need to set up your files. For example, if you need any parts of your artwork separate when it comes to using them in after effects you would need to put them in separate layers on illustrator, which you would also have to do in Photoshop.

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When you are finished your work in illustrator you would save it and import to after effects. But when you do this you should import it as a ‘composition retain layer sites’. Because if you imported it as ‘footage’ it means you would bring in as layer or all the layers merged in at once. So when you have separate layers you need to use ‘composition retain layer sites’ because then the layers will import as the same size of the artwork rather than the document size which will be the art board it’s self.

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